Curating Your Brand

Curating your brand begins with understanding who you help and how you help them. It’s important to understand the problems they have internally (how they feel) and externally (what is happening to them) and what success looks like when they’re problem is solved. This is called developing your persona. We can do this by looking at demographics and psychographics.

Examples of personas:

  • Small business owners who are so involved in the business, they have trouble sitting down and doing their books
  • a couple who is growing their family and are ready to buy a home but don’t have a down payment saved and make $75K a year
  • A restaurant owner who is located near the exit of the interstate and needs visibility and Sundays are his busiest days.

understanding empowers empathy

Developing Your Personas


Demographics are statistical data such as income, age, gender, where they live, race, and relationship status, to name a few.

These are the easiest to observe and by themselves can lead to only telling part of the story.


Psychographics refers a person’s attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological traits.

Examples of this would include a desire to travel the world, religious belief, scared of flying in an airplane, and favorite colors.

Questions to Ask When Developing Personas

  • What is their income?
  • Where do they live?
  • What are their aspirations?
  • What is the relationship status?
  • What books do they read?
  • Where do they like to vacation?
  • What are they excited about?
  • How do they feel before me?
  • What does their life look like before my solution?
  • How will they feel after working with me?
  • What words will they use to describe my business?

It’s important not to get too into the weeds here. You can have multiple personas, but it’s important to have your guiding principles of who you serve.

After you have determined WHO you serve, it’s important to define your voice.