
we all have a story to tell

That’s what makes us human. We’re all unique and all the same.

humans are not numbers

Marketing agencies and large corporations have assigned you and me a number. On someone’s spreadsheet, you are on line 53 with your first name, last name, email address, and phone number. And that’s all they care to know about you. In fact, they call you “data.”

You and your customers have more to offer in than just being a number on a line.

Insert B.Human – a creative marketing agency that makes marketing human. Our team has grown tired of agencies marketing to you and me like we’re cattle going through the mill.

While it’s important to know your numbers in a business, its incredibly more important for you to know the heart of your people and your customers.

marketing used to be fun

Shopping in the 90s was an experience.

Door greeters used to smile at kids and give them a smiley-face sticker. The bakery had sample cookies to give to you if you asked. The grocery aisles had those fun coupon machines we’d get in trouble for playing with. And the check-out line was full of conversation.

Then came automation.

Self-checkout replaced the cashier. The bakery put away the cookies. The coupons went onto an app. And door greeters stopped greeting you.

The human-experience was stripped away from us.

We can change that


People crave human-interaction. Even at the most basic level. We all belong to a tribe.

You and I can change the game. We can bend the rules so that SEO is made human.

We can design a website that tells our story and brings connection.

We can create content not so we can beat the algorithm…but because we can create art.

we can be human

experience what it's like to be human