How to Write a Wedding Blog

If you are a wedding photographer, you should be writing blog posts about the weddings you work!

The wedding industry, as a whole, can be pretty self-centered. A healthy relationship is one in which all parties gain some sort of benefit.

Writing a blog post about weddings has the benefit of growing vendor relationships, expanding your portfolio beyond images, enhancing your client experience, and getting in front of potential clients!

Let’s dive in and talk about how to blog as a wedding photographer.

How to Write a Wedding Photography Blog

When writing a blog about a wedding, there are two elements that come together to form excellent blog content that makes your clients fall in love with you even more, and to be found on search engines.

Yeah, unfortunately copywriting for wedding photographers can be a challenge. But we’ll work through it together.

The first element we’re looking at is the emotional – the storytelling parts of a blog.

The second is the technical – the actual doing of writing.


Storytelling has been a tool used since the beginning of time to influence leaders, excite crowds, and lead to action for just causes.

Essentially, storytelling evokes emotion and feeling.

Writing wedding blog posts isn’t just about checking off the box and saying you did something for your wedding photography business – it’s about enhancing the brand you are curating.

A brand is an emotion and feeling – not a look.

So what are the parts of a story?

People: Who the story is about and their ambitions.

Setting: Where the story takes place (location, time, weather, etc.)

Problem: The thing that is in the way of the desired goal.

Rising action: The events that are happening on the character’s journey towards the goal

Climax: The big event that will make or break the character

Falling action: Tying up loose ends and answers unanswered question

End: The final event that closes the story

Ok, so that was a good lesson from grade school – how does this tie into writing about a couple on their wedding day?

Let’s break it down.

People: The couple (they desire to get married)

Setting: The wedding venue, time of day, and the season

Problem: Something that has come up between planning the wedding and the day of

Rising action: Events of the day, such as first look and father seeing the bride for the first time

Climax: The ceremony!

Falling action: The reception and events after the ceremony

End: The grand exit and the acknowledgement of everyone who had a part in the day

That’s it! And if you can follow this, you can blog every wedding.

The Technical

Now that you have a basic understanding of of the emotional side of how to blog about wedding photography, let’s actually get in here and write.

Now, the steps we’re taking are the processes in which you would write and publish your blog on WordPress or ShowIt.

Let’s begin.

Create a Title For Your Blog Post

Remember, the first role of this blog post is to enhance the client experience. At the same time, if we’re writing, we’re keeping SEO in mind.

Therefore, your title should be an SEO friendly title.

Here’s a good and bad example:

✅ Winter Wedding at [Venue Name] | John and Sallie

❌ John and Sallie | 10/25/24

People aren’t going to be looking for the couple’s name on search engines. Instead, they’re going to be looking for images as venues. With this structure, when a couple searches “[Venue Name] photos,” your wedding blog is more likely to show up in search results.

Add a Category

Categories are great ways to organize what your content is about. Here’s what I mean.

As a wedding photographer, you are also likely taking photos of engagements, elopements, and styled sessions. If you are going to blog about these, you should separate the content so your content stays relevant.

A few other blog post ideas for wedding photographers are outside of sessions. Consider writing content that could be used as a resource for couples (example: How to Plan a Wedding) or for vendors (example: How to photograph in low-lit reception halls).

Add Images

You are a photographer, right? So it should go without saying you should be adding images! However, do not go embedding photos on your blog without prepping them up first.

Use software like JPEG Mini or ShortPixel to decrease the size (both dimensions and filesize) of your images without losing quality.

If your images are large, they’ll take too long to load up for anyone reading your blog and they won’t see your work at all.

Do due diligence and take the extra 30 minutes to prep your images.

While we’re optimizing images, make sure to add alt text to your images. Alt tags are how search engines crawl what an image is about, and if it doesn’t have one, it won’t be found online.

Share the Love – Add Your Vendors

Let’s take a step back and realize that the beautiful weddings you are photographing are only so beautiful because of the collaborative work that happens between the couple and their vendors.

We’ve all got our start working at the unhinged DIY wedding. You should also remember that feeling you had at your first “beautiful” wedding. It didn’t happen by accident – the couple invested into their wedding.

Acknowledge the people who made it happen!

On this note, vendors are the secret key to getting in front of other people who may be your ideal client by utilizing their influence on social media – make sure they get their mentions and sneak peeks.

Write About the Day

We’ve already covered it, but here’s the structure you are going to use to write about the day:

  • Hook readers with a quick blurb or overview of the day
  • Write about the venue
  • Introduce the couple
  • Write about something negative that happened that you were able to resolve
  • Celebrate the ceremony
  • Share the photos
  • Acknowledge the vendors

That’s it  – now you just have to fit a story that is at least 500 words into this.

To understand the hierarchy of utilizing header tags, I recommend you take a look at this outline we created to show how to use them.

Optimize for SEO

Yes, this technically reads as “optimize for search engine optimization.” I know.

Here’s the thing – we’re writing and we want to get the most out of this content as we can get.

Content optimization begins with Keyword Research. It’s a doozy of a process for anyone who hasn’t done it. Essentially, the break down is this:

  1. Use a tool like Ubersuggest or SEMRush to identify relevant keywords you want to rank for
  2. Outline your content to follow a similar pattern to the top ranking search results.
  3. Use a plugin such as Yoast SEO or SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant to identify words and thresholds to meet to increase your chances of ranking

This process alone can add up to 2-3 hours on your content writing. The results of it, of course, are worth it.

To get a full understanding of how to do SEO for wedding photographers, I recommend you give this a read.

Alternatively, if you see the benefit of it but lack the skill, B.Human is a marketing agency for wedding photographers – we can take care of your SEO for you. (; 

Publish or Schedule

After everything has been set up and optimized for SEO, it’s time to take your content live! Publish immediately or, for extra experience points, draw anticipation!

You can get couples excited about your blog post by going ahead and sending them the URL it will go live on with a countdown to when it will actually publish.

That will drive them crazy and get them excited for the content!

Distribute and Promote

Now that everything is live, it’s time to get immediate eyes on this!

Email the couple the link to the blog post.

Email your entire list a link to see the blog.

Create a story and link the blog directly using the link sticker!

Create a Reel where you scroll through the blog post.

Do everything you can to get the word out!

Just when you think you are sharing your work too much, keep sharing anyway. If we rely on algorithms only, less than 2% of your audience will even see your work.

You can either rely on bots to share your work, or you can Be Human with your content and share it organically in genuine, helpful conversations.

SEO is fun – people sharing in other peoples celebrations is even more fun.